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Articles on OS X Security

Why are there no Mac Viruses? article on Mac vulnerabilities (or lack thereof).
Fifteen easy fixes for Mac security risks
MacWorld article on ways to improve security on OS X. Most of these are good common sense (use good passwords, disable automatic login, etc.), and the principles apply to any *nix system.
Mac (insecurity): How to secure Macs in business
Macs are immune from security threats, right? It's Windows we have to worry about. That water-cooler wisdom needs to be flipped on its head, security experts and IT managers warn. Microsoft has gotten its security act (somewhat) together with Vista and its current security-response program; meanwhile, Apple is fast becoming the company most in need of getting its security mojo going.
OS X Security Flaws: much ado about nothing?
Discussion regarding the severity (or lack thereof) and the media hype surrounding several security issues the previous week.
Is Windows Inherently more vulnerable than OS X?
Tom Yager on Windows exloit with analysis of the differences in vulnerability between Windows and OS X (from Infoworld).
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