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Training Table of Contents

Included in the price of each InterRack (Internet-in-a-Rack) is two days of training here in our classroom. Customers may send up to six (6) students for training. While most customers will want the "Introduction to Unix" class outlined below, classes can be customized for those that are already Unix proficient.
             Introduction to Unix 
  1.  An Overview ..................................... 1
     1.1  Computer Basics ............................. 2
     1.2  Operating Systems ........................... 2
     1.3  UNIX: The Open Systems Approach ............. 3
     1.4  The Shell ................................... 4
     1.5  Window Managers ............................. 6
     1.6  The Client-Server model ..................... 6
  2.  Accessing UNIX .................................. 7
     2.1  Access to UNIX .............................. 8
     2.2  Logging In .................................. 8
     2.3  LOGIN Problems .............................. 9
     2.4  Typing Commands ............................. 9
     2.5  Correcting Mistakes at the Prompt ........... 9
     2.6  UNIX Command Syntax ........................ 10
     2.7  Changing Passwords ......................... 13
     2.8  Logging Out ................................ 14
     2.9  Getting Help ............................... 14
  3.  Files and the Filesystem ....................... 16
     3.1  Files ...................................... 17
     3.2  The Filesystem ............................. 17
     3.3  Filenames .................................. 17
     3.4  The UNIX Directory Tree .................... 18
     3.5  Absolute Pathnames ......................... 19
     3.6  Relative Pathnames ......................... 20
     3.7  Pathname Review ............................ 21
     3.8  Changing Directories ....................... 21
     3.9  The Working Directory ...................... 22
     3.10 Listing Files .............................. 22
     3.11 The Parent Directory ....................... 23
     3.12 Looking at Files ........................... 25
     3.13 Copying a File ............................. 26
     3.14 Copying Problems ........................... 27
     3.15 Renaming a File ............................ 28
     3.16 Creating Directories ....................... 29
     3.17 Deleting Directories ....................... 30
     3.18 Problems Removing Directories .............. 31
  4.  Getting Started with VI ........................ 33
     4.1  Invoking Vi ................................ 34
     4.2  Changing Modes in Vi ....................... 34
     4.3  Insert Mode ................................ 35
     4.4  Moving the Cursor .......................... 35
     4.5  Modifying and Deleting Text ................ 36
     4.6  Searching for Text ......................... 37
     4.7  Undoing Your Editing ....................... 37
     4.8  Splitting and Joining Lines ................ 38
     4.9  Copying Lines .............................. 38
     4.10 Moving Lines ............................... 39
     4.11 Saving Files and Quitting Vi ............... 39
  5.  The Shell ...................................... 41
     5.1  The Shell .................................. 41
     5.2  Special   Characters ....................... 42
     5.3  Aliases .................................... 43
     5.4  Command Recall ............................. 44
     5.5  Command Editing ............................ 45
     5.6  1/0 Redirection ............................ 45
     5.7  Redirection ................................ 46
  6.  UNIX Utilities ................................. 49
     6.1  UNIX Utilities ............................. 49
     6.2  Finding Strings in Files ................... 50
     6.3  Find a File ................................ 52
     6.4  Calendar ................................... 52
     6.5  System Information ......................... 52
     6.6  Backup ..................................... 53
     6.7  Job Control ................................ 54
  7.  File Security .................................. 57
     7.1  File Security .............................. 57
     7.2  User Classes ............................... 57
     7.3  Ownership Commands ......................... 58
     7.4  File Privileges ............................ 59
     7.5  Nine Combinations .......................... 59
     7.6  Changing Permissions ....................... 61
     7.7  Default Permissions ........................ 62
  8.  Communication and Networking ................... 64
     8.1  Communicating with Other Users ............. 64
     8.2  Sending Mail ............................... 64
     8.3  Reading Your Mail .......................... 65
     8.4  Useful Mail Commands ....................... 65
     8.5  Networks ................................... 66
     8.6  Remote Login ............................... 67
     8.7  Moving Files Across Machines ............... 67
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