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Celestial has been designing and implementing backup systems for Unix and Linux systems since 1984. We have also built on-line backup systems for DOS and Windows systems since 1991. We use a combination of internally developed systems along with commericial products such as BackupEdge to do backups. Our backup products and services include:

  • Verified Tape Backups, either full or incremental backups depending on the size of the systems, and the tape media capacity. We have developed a system which permits system recovery from a set of master tapes and the latest incremental tape which is fast and doesn't restore files deleted from the system that appear on the masters.
  • Backups to external FireWire or USB disk drives. Given the low cost of external disk drives today, it makes sense to do backups to these instead of tape drives since the cost of the disks is often less than that of quality SCSI tape drives and media. Furthermore, the data on the external disks is accessible directly without having to read through tapes to get to a single file.
  • On-Line backups across the Internet. Data from remote machines can be backed up to Celestial's servers using the same external hard drives described above. This works very well with co-located equipment such as web and e-mail servers as it eliminates the need for physical access to the machines to swap media. A full backup of the system is performed before shipping to the co-location facility, and updated dated using rsync over a secure link.
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