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Box Ctrl No. b13 Books from shelf on right desk

Main Fields
Client Box No.
Location:Living Room
Add Date:2008-01-14
Box Information
Units/Dimensions 12x10x8 in
Volume/Units (0, 37) sqft
Vendor uline
Stock Number S-4120
Movement Information
Pull Slip Info


Programming the Perl DBI
authorAlligator Descartes, Tim Bunce
CGI Programming on the World Wide Web (Nutshell Handbook)
authorShishir Gundavaram
Practical C++ Programming (Nutshell Handbook)
authorSteve Oualline
PERL by Example
authorEllie Quigley
Unix Cd Bookshelf 2.0
authorArnold Robbins
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems
authorRandal L. Schwartz, Tom Christiansen, Erik Olsen
Advanced Perl Programming
authorSriram Srinivasan
Programming perl (Nutshell Handbooks)
authorLarry Wall, Randal L. Schwartz
Perl Resource Kit -- UNIX Edition
authorLarry Wall, Ellen Siever, Nathan Patwardhan, David Futato

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