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Bill Campbell

Bill Campbell

Bill Campbell

Bill Campbell has over 40 years in the computer industry. He is an expert in software and hardware, an experienced troubleshooter of computer problems, and a specialist in Linux and Unix applications. He has extensive experience installing complex networks, combining Unix, MS-Windows and Apple systems. Most recently, he has become an Internet guru, and has installed Internet Service Providers throughout the United States.

Mr. Campbell has a long track record of developing software for the retail and wholesale industry. He has developed software for various government agencies as well as private business. In 1984, he opened Celestial Software to market his retail and wholesale distribution accounting package.

He has held top management positions in the computer, software and retail industry. Mr. Campbell recognized the unlimited potential of the Internet, and has developed a turn-key Internet System which allows quick and easy installation for service providers. As owner of Celestial Software, Bill is responsible for all systems development, customer installations and the development of new vertical market applications. Bill has served as Moderator of a CompuServe Forum, and is recognized as one of the most knowledgeable experts in Unix and Linux software and systems.

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