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Linux and Unix systems tend to be quite robust, and not to require constant tweaking and maintenance. Celestial has developed tools and procedures that allow us to automate most of these procedures eliminating the need for full-time staff at many small-to-medium businesses. Most systems maintenance can be done remotely via secure Internet connections or dialup modem connections where Internet connections aren't available. This includes:

  • Daily systems checks to detect critial missing files, security breaches or other suspicious activity.
  • Daily verified backups.
  • Daily e-mail reports to Celestial showing any critical problems, and the status of each step in the daily processing.
  • Monitor security advisories from CERT, SANS, and other security mailing lists to keep abreast of potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Maintain current versions of all software installed on the customer's systems, installing critical security updates as necessary, and other elective updates at the customer's convenience.
  • Notify customers of any critical issues that require on-site work or that will require taking their systems down during working hours.
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