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Celestial provides software and hardware systems and training that have been developed over the years to minimize the possiblity of data loss and compromise.

  1. Customer training to help them develop sensible policies and prodedures to insure the integrity of their data and systems.
  2. Install software that monitors system status during daily processing, reporting problems found via e-mail to Celestial.
  3. Audit and harden existing systems to detect and fix any existing security problems.
  4. Create baseline snapshots of the systems. These snapshots are used for daily comparisons to detect changed, missing, and new files in critical directories.
  5. Daily security audits look for security breaches, new and missing critical files, and send e-mail reports to Celestial.
  6. Monitor CERT, SANS, and other security advisories to keep abreast of new security vulnerabilities, updating installed software as necessary.
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